

Sunday, March 22, 2015

"Dirty" 30 Adventures...St. George

Even though Derek  wasn't able to join me on my annual birthday hiking in Zions, 
my friend Leslie & her family were kind enough to go hiking with me!

Afternoon Temple session led to meeting some long distant relatives.  I stalked them down at the end to ask them if they're related to Nephi Savage, since anyone with the Savage name has a high probability of being related to me.  After much discussion we concluded: we have no idea. My dad checked the book o'Nelson and didn't see a Levi Savage.
Then I met up with Dani and spent the evening with her & her cute lil puppy Harley.

Zion awaits!
But the way things shook out, 
I wasn't able to do Observation Point, 
the hike I normally do, but that's ok.

Emerald Pools it is! Parts of the trail was closed due to ice.
So these guys...
Super nice, took some group photos for us even!
Funny thing is, that log they were squat pressing, 
Leslie's little boys were lifting it around and playing with it just minutes before.  

I love this park.

Hiking now involves the use of "Jazz Hands"

The evening ended with the Johnson's being ever so wonderful to let me watch the
 RSL vs. Timbers game.  And pizza. I'm pretty lucky.

Hiking the reserve to collect Moqui Balls.
Her boys are so goofy!
Red, White, and Blue...

Cinder Cone Volcano:
By far my most FAVORITE hike.
Has been. For quite a while.

With this view... can you blame me?

That's Snow Canyon State Park in the background.
Snowball "fight" in the crater...
There's Leslie and her boys in the carter
What the volcano gave me.. 
this was a few days later.
The bruises were pretty epic.
The side I did my epic tuck n roll down...

Snow Canyon State Park
Did some deep breathing in my "spot".  
It's right by a popular area, but always left alone.
Lots of hours spent here in this little shaded oasis over the past decade.

A quick stop to Kolob Canyons on my way home 
to finish out the weekend.
Timber Creek Overlook Trail.  I was going to try a different one, 
until I saw this was the only one hike-able without snowshoes...

Sheer bliss :)

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